Rheology, rupture, and reactions in serpentinite shear zones

Matthew Tarling
Tuesday, November 28, 2023 · 1:00 pm to · 2:00 pm
ESB 5104 & Zoom

Faults and shear zones are incredibly dynamic geological environments where the intricate interplay between structures, rock deformation, fluids, and mineral reactions can lead to profound changes in fault rock properties, ultimately controlling slip behaviour at different temporal and spatial scales. In this talk, we will examine the inner workings of the Livingstone Fault, a plate boundary-scale serpentinite shear zone in New Zealand, to explore fundamental processes that control the behaviour of faults and shear zones worldwide. Exposed in the high mountain passes of the South Island of New Zealand, the Livingstone Fault provides world-class outcrops of a complex serpentinite shear zone in which blocks of schist, metagabbro and massive serpentinite are embedded and entrained in a strongly foliated scaly serpentinite matrix. We will examine how field-based studies of faults, combined with detailed micro- to nano- structural and -mineralogical characterisation, can reveal long-term deformation behaviours, be used to decipher the cryptic signatures of transient events such as earthquakes, and shed light on the role of mineral reactions in controlling the slip behaviour of faults and shear zones.

Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/61227908464?pwd=eE9IaGhPZFF6OW5OSWROL3U4cmJYQT09(link is external)

Meeting ID: 612 2790 8464

Passcode: 009405

Please note that after the seminar, the candidate will give a chalk-talk regarding their research plan over the next five years at ESB 5104 @2:30 pm, you are welcome to join as well!